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Saturday, February 23, 2008

Thing Two-Perspectives on Library 2.0

Library 2.0 was all new information for me as an elementary teacher. I truly had no idea that this "revolution" was taking place in the library world. I have mixed feelings about L 2.0 and agree with comments from both sides of the discussion. As a thirty-something with baby boomer parents who are avid readers, I know that they would not embrace all of the concepts of Library 2.0. I would hate to see my parents shy away from the library that they love because they don't want to go during "teen gaming nights." I read in a blog comment that the age of citizens over 65 will double in the next couple years, and this is a huge demographic who is not familiar or comfortable with much of the new technology. This demographic should not be ignored. However, neither should the rising new generations who are more comfortable texting, im-ing, or any other thing that I don't know about. That sounds that I am sitting right on the fence, and I guess I am. Libraries have evolved since my childhood, and the changes have been good. I think that Library 2.0 has some good concepts, but we're not quite there in getting it right. More emphasis can be spent on the concepts, though, instead of arguing about the name.

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